I’ve had a bad flu for the past week which has kept me from writing much, but the fever of the title isn’t mine. A young girl from Geliphu in the South of Bhutan just died from dengue fever.
She is the daughter of the animal shelter manager in Thimphu. I don’t know either of them, but our expat friends who created the animal shelter sent out urgent pleas on every medium to request the support of people with O+ blood type. For the first time in my life my medical ethics were put to the test. Some people have called me a facist or claim that I want everyone dead, but that’s unfair. I think everyone should be given the chance at life, but I believe in survival of the fittest. I believe that medicine as it is in western civilisation is destroying the human race. People don’t take care of themselves because they know that drugs or an operation can fix almost anything they break. We rely on drugs to keep us healthy, rather than using the body’s own recuperative power. If the immune system isn’t used, it will disappear and we’ll be permanently dependent on medicine to keep us alive. Biological defects such as one (name forgotten) that causes blood to thin to the point that a person will bleed to death from a minor cut used not to be an issue because the victims died before they could reproduce. Now medicine keeps them alive to pass on the genes to a new generation and the number of instances of this problem are increasing rapidly.
I know my views aren’t common or popular in society, so I never push them. I don’t try to convince others to change, even though I think it’s the destruction of our race as much as the greenhouse effect. But when it came to giving blood, I let others give and play no part in the game of life and death. Nature is my guide. Besides, I have my own abnormalities and I’m not sure that the Red Cross would take my blood.
But it seems that O+ is difficult to find in Bhutan and I was one of the rare people that have it. They urgently needed five people to give blood every day if this girl was to have a chance at survival. I don’t know the girl, but suddenly I had her life on my conscience. The test that I’d hoped would never come was finally here. My belief as far as viruses goes isn’t strong. I don’t know whether taking blood in such a case changes the ability of the next generation to fight the disease or not. After a few tortured hours, I gave in and offered my blood if they would have it. After all, I was still weak from the flu and my blood might just make her condition worse. The reply came yesterday, a day after the initial request. The girl had passed away. Could I have saved her? Or would my blood have quickened her death or made it more painful? I can’t say, but the reply had another line.
The girl’s sister has contracted dengue fever too.