I was checking out a Blue-ray movie (Ice Age 3 if you must know) in a shopping centre in Miri when I felt something on the back of my knee. I haven’t dwelled on it much yet, but I’m getting eaten by insects here. I have welts all over and nothing I do stops them itching and nothing I do deters the blighters. So I assumed this thing on the back of my knee was another insect and bent down to brush it off.
Instead, I saw a tiny hand. It was attached to the body of a little local boy staring up at me with a pleading expression. It wasn’t one of pleading for money or food, though. This boy looked too well cared for to be wanting either. Wondering if he just wanted to see the film, I stepped aside – not so far that I still couldn’t try to find the model of player, but far enough not to block the screen.
With a shy smile, the boy went and sat next to his father on a bench facing the store and resumed staring at the screen. I wondered if this was a regular holiday or weekend activity for the two.