I’m often frustrated by the selfish actions of Sydney commuters, but this morning I saw my first case of rail rage. My own gripes are to do with the way people will turn the seat in front of them around so that they don’t have to sit facing anyone, even when that means someone who was there before them would be put in the same situation. Also with people who will force you to climb over them to get a seat rather than sliding across to let you take the aisle seat, even when they’re staying on for longer. To avoid these frustrations, I usually ride in the vestibule where seats run along the carriage walls. But even this area isn’t safe from conflict.
This morning an old man boarded my carriage, walked across to the seat reserved for elderly and disabled passengers and requested his rightful place. A young man and a heavy woman were sitting there with a gap between them not big enough for him. I was getting out at the next stop, so I stood up and offered him my seat. The woman probably saw me and assumed he’d take the offer, but the man didn’t hear me and kicked her bag out of the way, turning to drop into the space.
Before he hit the seat, the woman slammed him out of the way, toppling him onto the young man beside her. Before he could rebound, she jumped up, threw her bag at him and began hitting and kicking him. None of the blows looked strong enough to hurt and the man seemed able to ward them off, so I didn’t intervene. I guess the other passengers had the same thoughts or perhaps we were all in too much shock to react.
I hope this isn’t the start of a new trend in rail rage.